Pia Cygon

Sales & Project Manager

When Pia attended an event at the WECC as a guest of the online giant Facebook during her previous activities, she never imagined that she would one day be responsible for organizing events at the highest international level here. She was deeply impressed by the expansive grounds and unique character of the location. Her energy and passion are infectious. When you talk to Pia about her work, you immediately sense that she has truly found her calling in her profession.

However, the path to get there was not always clearly defined. “When I was younger, I didn’t know where I belonged. After school, I spent a year in America and then completed training as a European businesswoman,” she confirms. Afterwards, she worked for a non-profit foundation that advocates for children, teenagers, and seniors, as even intergenerational social projects need to be professionally organized. The highlight of the year? An award ceremony for social engagement at the Rotes Rathaus with the Governing Mayor.

When she wanted to reinvent herself professionally, the WECC came to mind again. And behold: On the website, she saw that the team was looking for new candidates. Pia didn’t hesitate and applied. “The references and clients, the nature of the events, and the big names were already impressive. And: It’s exactly as I imagined it!” the young woman enthuses.

Every day, every customer, every event is different. Pia loves the variety of her tasks and the events she manages. Pia has a special role at the interface of sales and project management. It’s actually atypical, as the rest of her team usually chooses either the sales or project management area. But Pia loves the personal contact with customers, and in her position, she can continuously accompany them from the first inquiry to the execution of an event. Her boss, Björn Neumann, highly values ​​her in this role: “Pia has this incredible ability to inspire others. She is a true superhero and has developed incredibly since she started with us.”

Pia’s area of responsibility is diverse. This includes preliminary research and personal meetings to determine the goals and needs of customers. “We do everything we can to implement the customer’s vision. After all, the customer’s success is also our success.”

Since Pia is also responsible for the entire implementation of the projects, structure and organization are of central importance. She receives sometimes ten inquiries a day and must quickly immerse herself in one project after another. “You shouldn’t be afraid of big numbers,” Pia reports. After all, in the WECC, it often involves very large B2B events with guests ranging from three to four digits. “You have to feel confident and take responsibility,” she confirms.

Fortunately, the team is a close-knit unit. Everyone stands behind each other and supports one another. “I’m motivated to come to work every day. I learn something new every day. I’ve simply found my profession and know that I belong here.” The rest of the team can only confirm this!