Nghia Nguyen

Sales & Project Manager

At the age of 18, Nghia Nguyen became self-employed and gained initial experience in the events industry by organizing parties in various nightclubs with a friend. He then transitioned to the hospitality sector but was undecided about which direction to take. Due to his experience in the events sector, he eventually decided to pursue training as an event management assistant.

Unfortunately, the timing was not ideal: Shortly after starting his training, the COVID-19 pandemic halts the entire industry. This poses challenges for Nghia, who must complete mandatory internships as part of his training. “There were no events anymore,” Nghia reports. He must explore alternatives and completes internships in the marketing field, acquiring important business skills in the process.

Fortunately, things turn around after the end of the lockdown. He finds his first job in event sales as part of an internship at Spreespeicher in Berlin. He realizes that this field suits him and brings him joy. Spreespeicher becomes a steppingstone for his future, where he acquires valuable sales skills that enable him to kickstart his career at WECC.

While he primarily focused on B2C events such as birthdays and weddings at Spreespeicher, WECC mainly hosts B2B events – an exciting development for Nghia. “We work a lot with major corporations and ministries, which significantly changes the scope and price range of the projects. This diversity is exactly what excites me about my work,” explains Nghia.

In addition to his passion for complex projects, other skills are crucial. “Social skills and communication skills are particularly important to me because I want to address my clients not only intellectually but also emotionally to fully understand their needs and desires,” Nghia continues. Moreover, negotiation skills are a crucial aspect since Nghia often negotiates with various departments before a project can be completed.

Not only in interactions with clients but also with his colleagues, communication and an open culture are of great importance. We constantly exchange ideas, seek advice from each other, and support one another. “Nghia immediately excelled in sales. At the same time, he has an incredibly high level of social competence. Working with him is just great. He is a really nice, friendly person who is always there for you,” confirms Björn Neumann, who is responsible for the entire sales and project management department. “Björn has significantly expanded my skills. He inspires me immensely in my work,” Nghia responds. It’s evident: The entire team harmonizes well, with no trace of egoism.

Nghia considers himself fortunate to work in an environment where he can freely develop and grow. His plans for the future? “I want to continue to develop and simply gain new experiences.” And the diverse environment of WECC will surely provide him with numerous opportunities to do so!