Björn Neumann

Head of Sales & Operations

Björn is the type of leader many would wish for as their supervisor. His team consists of entirely different personalities, yet he manages to extract and enhance the special skills of each individual. His appreciation for his colleagues is evident when you speak with him. He gives them the freedom to unfold themselves but is also always there for them, sharing his extensive knowledge. “The common success counts. We all have the goal of developing the company together. Therefore, successes are celebrated together, just as defeats are experienced together,” says Björn.

Björn is an old hand when it comes to events. Although he studies history and politics, he decided on a classic training in an event agency. “That was still the classic agency environment. There was a lot of shouting, often working until four in the morning, and then instead of starting work at nine, you could start at ten,” he recalls. Good for the start, but not necessarily sustainable for the further career.

In October 2015, he joins WECC and accompanies the market launch. The concept works, and soon they land big orders. The success of the location fills him with pride. WECC has a special meaning for him. “It is a piece of Berlin industrial and cultural history. An exciting place where a lot has happened, with unique architecture,” Björn enthuses. “It is quite a proud feeling when, for example, the Chancellor or another important person is there.”

It is also the adaptability of the building that makes WECC so attractive. “On Tuesday you play basketball with Dirk Nowitzki, on Wednesday you have a conference with Angela Merkel, and on Friday Universal throws a party with 1,000 people,” Björn shares. The creative possibilities seem endless. And that’s exactly what makes Björn’s job and the entire industry so exciting in his eyes.

Björn draws inspiration from various sources. Social media, trade fairs, competitor’s events. For Björn, it is important not to rest on his success but to always look around and educate himself. He loves to read, especially non-fiction books. If he particularly likes a book, he passes it on to his colleague Alisa Salamova. “Alisa takes a lot from it, which pleases me. After all, as a company, we also have a mission to promote the personal development of our employees.”

Björn stands up for his team. Of course, they often face stressful situations, after all, they deal with huge orders worth millions. “In the league we play in, there is no room for errors.” You have to be able to deal with that. You have to be fast. “Response time has a huge impact on the conversion rate and the completion of a project.” In such a dynamic environment, it is all the more important for Björn to also cultivate the personal component. “When we have time, we also go out together in the evenings, eat together. This time to breathe must also be there, after all, we are only human.” And Björn has found a wonderful constellation of people for his team who work hard every day to make WECC even more successful in the future.